Some memories are like the sand. The harder you try to hold on to them, the faster they seem to slip away.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. The sky was a pale blue, the weather mildly cool.
It seemed as though the sun himself had taken a day off to enjoy his fellow colleagues at work.
In the morning, the raindrops came down subtly, in the form of a pleasant drizzle. But with time, the drizzle started coming down with vigor and finally gave way to a rainstorm.
The wind and the rain came hand in hand to meet us by the window, on the grounds, everywhere, to everyone. By most, they were greeted and treated graciously. They were such a relief after their friend, the sun!
At class, I couldn't help but stare outside the window to admire mother nature. The lush green trees dancing to the music of rain, the whoosh of wind. The water in the ponds happily playing, running about from this bank to the other.
Sometimes the rain was interspersed with the drizzle.
Everything, everyone was merry making. I wondered why they called this a 'gloomy weather'.
When it was time to go home, I, after a long time wished I could spend some more time at school because at home it would be all closed doors and windows.
On my way home, something queer happened. The road was water logged. We had to trudge through the ankle length water. My mother stepped wherever she could find an inch of drier land. And I followed. That, there itself was queer. Some years ago, my mother would scream after me to evade the puddles. But i would hop on them and splash as much water as I could. I thought about that little girl, in the uniform, splashing water and those screams of annoyance behind her. It felt like I had opened a book of long ago, which had been left untouched.
Soon, I realised that yesterday, today and tomorrow, would all become a memory some day. Standing under the rain, drenched, almost soaked in water, I felt desperate, delirious at the thought of never getting to relive that moment. It was something I would never get back. Those laughters at school, watching outside the window at the dancing trees, trudging through the water and standing beneath the sky, under the rain, right there, on that spot and thinking about this.
Sure, I could do that many more times, but it wouldn't be like that ever again. And like now I die to go back to those carefree days with him around, someday, I would die to go back to that very moment. To that another rainy day.